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Performance characteristics of pneumatic hydraulic disc brake
Time:2023-06-23   View:225

The performance characteristics of the pneumatic hydraulic disc brake. Compared with the drum brake, the working surface of the disc brake is flat and heat transfer occurs on both sides. When the disc rotates, it is easy to cool and is not prone to large deformation. The braking efficiency is relatively stable. After a long time of use, the brake disc has enhanced its braking effect due to high temperature expansion; The drum brake has a single side heat transfer and a large temperature difference between the inner and outer sides, which makes the brake drum prone to deformation. At the same time, after prolonged braking, the brake drum expands due to high temperature, and the braking efficiency is weakened. In addition, the disc brake is simple in structure, convenient in maintenance, and easy to realize automatic adjustment of brake clearance.

The disadvantage of the disc brake is that the friction plate acts directly on the disc, without automatic friction amplification, and the braking efficiency is low. Therefore, if the brake actuating pipeline pressure required for the hydraulic braking system is high, additional power auxiliary devices must be installed; When also used for parking brake, the added parking brake transmission device is more complex than the drum brake, so it is applied on the rear wheels.

Flower white green, with a diameter of 5-7 millimeters; Petals nearly ovoid, approximately 2 millimeters in length and width, stamen anthers oblong, introverted; Filament length 2-4 millimeters; The ovary has 2 ovules per locule, attached to the top of the central axis. Capsule subglobose, approximately 8 mm in diameter, light red; One seed per chamber, terminal, elliptic, about 6 mm long, about 4 mm in diameter, Aril orange red, full of seeds. The flowering period is from June to July, and the fruit ripening period is from September to October.

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